Saturday, November 27, 2010

A year? It' s been an entire year since I posted last???

Well, it has been insanely busy, and it never seems to stop. So I'm trying to remember that each of these precious little moments is gone once it slips by.

Even the things that make me so frustrated at times - my kids taking "too long" to go to bed or fall asleep once they're in it... what am I in such a hurry for? To go play on Facebook, read another magazine article, or watch TV? In a few years, my kids won't need or want me to help them fall asleep at night - and I'm going to miss it.

I still catch myself letting my old thought patterns creep in (they are pesky things), but lately I'm praying more and that helps to focus me. For example, if my little one takes a long time to fall asleep, I rub her back and pray while I'm doing it. I usually pray for the children, my husband, ask for grace so that I can be a more loving mom and not let my own impatience, irritability and overall known craziness affect my girls. If it takes a really long time, then I get to pray for our extended family and friends. It's a total win-win, it keeps me from getting upset about how long it's taking, and it leaves my daughter with the feeling that her mommy loves her and is there for her when she's drifting off to sleep.

It's hard when I'm in the moment sometimes, especially when my hubby is home and I want to spend some time with him, but I feel like I am getting better at just defaulting to prayer. So what if it takes an extra 20 minutes? I guarantee when I would fuss and get the kids upset, it takes at least 20 minutes to calm them down and I feel like a jerk afterward.

Now, it may take some time, but they fall asleep peacefully and I get my prayer time in.

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