Monday, September 30, 2013

Secretkeeper September

I am so stunned at how quickly September flew by!

Luckily, we were able to have a final family vacation and say goodbye to the summer at the start of this month, which was really wonderful.

I recently took my big girl to a "Secretkeeper Girl" event, and it was amazing! I thought they did a fantastic job of setting it up as an entertainment-based way to give the young ladies messages of modesty and that it's okay (even good!)  to be different. We also got to rock out with a pre-show concert by 1 Girl Nation, and we have been playing their CD ever since - the music and singing is really fun and danceable, it sounds just as good if not better than many of the popular music on the radio, yet it still has a positive, Christian message.

At one point in the evening, one of the event emcees asked everyone to close their eyes and raise their hand if they had something they didn't like about themselves. I could hear nearly every hand around me go up in the air.

I was glad eyes were closed, because I became overwhelmed with sadness that these BEAUTIFUL young ladies, including my precious daughter, have things they don't like about themselves. I did my best to dry my eyes before everyone else opened theirs, but I am still so sad that young girls are struggling with their looks at such a young age.

We will do our best to instill self-love and self-acceptance in our little ladies, and hopefully they will be a light to each other and to all their friends.

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